2022 Italian Opus Suite User Group Conference | 10 May | Naples

On May 10, 2022 we organized the Italian OPUS Suite Group Conference in Naples at the Officier Club of Italian Navy. It was an opportunity to present the news on the development of the Opus Suite by Systecon Group, the modeling features, case studies, experiences made by Italian users.

It was a very successful day spent in the Official Club of the Italian Navy in Naples where the Italian Users (Marina Militare, Leonardo Aircraft, Leonardo Helicopters, Leonardo Electronics, OCCAR (Organisation for Joint Armament Co-operation), ORIZZONTE SISTEMI NAVALI S.p.A.) had the opportunity to talk and discuss their experiences. Thanks to Markus Onyango, Younes Lousseief and Victor Birath of Systecon Group who presented the new features of OPUS RDM and other futures and interesting implementations of the Suite.
Thanks also to FINCANTIERI S.p.A. and RINA for their interest in the Conference.

Click here for the Agenda of the Meeting.

For more information about OPUS Suite refer to Opus Suite – Life Cycle Management Software | Systecon Group.