Active Calls for Tender
- Subject: Ground Station Design and Navigation System Optimization of the MAR (Multipurpose Amphibious Rover) Rover
- Date of publication: 01/08/2024
- Deadline: 15/09/2024
- Subject: Consulting Services on Water Sample Analysis Devices to be installed on the MAR (Multipurpose Amphibious Rover)
- Date of publication: 01/08/2024
- Deadline: 15/09/2024
Expired Calls for Tender
- Subject: Transportation A/R of the Agricoltural DRONE to and from Umbria (Italy) and (Malaga)
- Date of publication: 26/07/2021
- Deadline: 30/09/2021
- Subject: Two Agricolture DRONE
- Date of publication: 21/09/2020
- Deadline: 11/12/2020
- Subject: Multispectral Camera System to be installed on board a Rover
- Date of publication: 01/10/2020
- Deadline: 09/11/2020